Competenze innovative per migliorare l'occupazione, la flessibilità e le capacità trasversali degli studenti universitari.

Numero di riferimento del progetto: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032182
Finanziato da: Programma Erasmus+, Key action 2: Cooperazione per l'innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche

Scarica il programma disponibile online

Il curriculum specifica i contenuti e le metodologie per un apprendimento completo sull'Industria 4.0.

Scarica il curriculum

Scarica il Report di ricerca

Il report analizza lo stato dell'evoluzione dell'Industria 4.0, delle evoluzioni e dei trend della digitalizzazione in Polonia, Italia, Spagna, Bulgaria, Slovacchia e Lettonia.

Scarica il rapporto completo in inglese

Sintesi del rapporto in italiano

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Registratevi gratuitamente ai nostri corsi sui temi chiave di Industria 4.0

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Perché approfondire i temi di Industria 4.0?

Un numero sempre maggiore di aziende si impegna e sperimenta l'automazione, la digitalizzazione, lo scambio di dati e l'Internet of Things, il cloud computing, la produzione "aumentata", le tecnologie cyber, la produzione intelligente, l'intelligenza artificiale e altre tecnologie emergenti. Questo ha un forte impatto sulle competenze necessarie per rimanere competitivi. Il futuro del lavoro sta quindi cambiando. Per rimanere competitivi sul mercato del lavoro, è necessario acquisire competenze in questi settori. Investite in voi stessi intraprendendo i percorsi di apprendimento disponibili in DigiWork.

La piattaforma DigiWork offre 5 percorsi di apprendimento per migliorare le competenze nelle aree giuste per aumentare l'occupabilità e la vostra carriera futura.

I corsi sono progettati in modo che si possa imparare al proprio ritmo, ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.

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DigiWork Newsletter Issue 4, December 2024

The DigiWork Newsletter Issue 4 is out. Download it below. >> Download our Newsletter, issue 4 from December 2024.
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Materiale promozionale

DigiWork Newsletter Issue 3, April 2024

The DigiWork Newsletter Issue 3 is out. Download it below. >> Download our Newsletter, Issue 3 from April 2024
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Project events

DigiWork Partner Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, 06-07.06.2023

The third partner meeting for the project DigiWork - Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Human Resources Management: Innovative skills to enhance HE students` employability, flexibility and transversal capabilities (project N.: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032182) was held on 06-07 June, 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. During the first day of the meeting project partners discussed...
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Useful links

Cybersecurity – The New Challenge in the Industry 4.0 Context!

With the advent of IT and in the rise of Industry 4.0, businesses are facing new challenges connected to cybersecurity and data protection. This is especially valid for production SMEs which often don’t have the internal resources and capacity to effectively evaluate cybersecurity risks corresponding with newly implemented Industry 4.0-based...
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Project events

DigiWork Third Transnational Project Meeting in Latvia

On the 13th and 14th of September 2022 we held the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the DigiWork project! During the meeting we discussed the progress of work on Result 1, Result 3, and Result 4. The consortium partners also discussed important issues related to the management and dissemination of...
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Materiale promozionale

Newsletter Issue 1, Jul 2022

The DigiWork Newsletter Issue 1 is out. Download it below. >> Download our Newsletter, Issue 1 from Jul 2022
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Project events

DigiWork Second Transnational Project Meeting in Slovakia

The first face-to-face partner meeting of the DigiWork project took place 05-06.05.2022 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The meeting was hosted by KLASTER AT+R ZPO. During the 2 days of the event the partners discussed the progress of the project and planned upcoming activities. The next on-site project meeting was scheduled for...
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Project events

DigiWork Kick-off Meeting

The first meeting of the DigiWork project took place 03-04 February, 2022. The meeting was dedicated to kick-starting the project and establishing collaboration mechanisms among the partners. Due to the current pandemic and travel restrictions the meeting was held online through the Zoom platform. Partners from Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain,...
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