Project events

DigiWork Partner Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, 06-07.06.2023

The third partner meeting for the project DigiWork – Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Human Resources Management: Innovative skills to enhance HE students` employability, flexibility and transversal capabilities (project N.: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032182) was held on 06-07 June, 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

During the first day of the meeting project partners discussed the development of Result 2 and set deadlines and tasks related to the development of the Online training curriculum. During another session were discussed project management and financial matters. During the second day of the TPM the consortium partners focused on and discussed the development of Result 3 “Learning contents, workplace guidelines and skills assessment tools”. New tasks were assigned and distributed among partners. In the afternoon special sessions were dedicated to the project dissemination activities and also to the project quality assurance. Partners agreed on the future dissemination activities related to the DigiWork project. The partner meeting finished with a summary of the decisions that were made and deadlines that were set for the new upcoming tasks.

The next transnational partner meeting is planned for January, 2024 in Tenerife, Spain.

DigiWork Third Transnational Project Meeting in Latvia

On the 13th and 14th of September 2022 we held the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the DigiWork project!
During the meeting we discussed the progress of work on Result 1, Result 3, and Result 4. The consortium partners also discussed important issues related to the management and dissemination of the project.

DigiWork Second Transnational Project Meeting in Slovakia

The first face-to-face partner meeting of the DigiWork project took place 05-06.05.2022 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The meeting was hosted by KLASTER AT+R ZPO. During the 2 days of the event the partners discussed the progress of the project and planned upcoming activities. The next on-site project meeting was scheduled for September and will be held in Riga, Latvia.

DigiWork Kick-off Meeting

The first meeting of the DigiWork project took place 03-04 February, 2022. The meeting was dedicated to kick-starting the project and establishing collaboration mechanisms among the partners. Due to the current pandemic and travel restrictions the meeting was held online through the Zoom platform. Partners from Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, and Slovakia presented their organizations, discussed issues related to project implementation and the development of intellectual results.

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