Course Tag: path2

P2-C3: Supply chain certification and automatic process verification and accountability

Course 3: Supply chain certification and automatic process verification and accountability

Course agenda

In this course, you will find:

  • Presentation of the supply chain landscape and its integrated systems, like QMS and EMS.
  • Discussion on the critical role and value of supply chain certifications for quality, efficiency, and sustainability.
  • Deep dive into Lean Management principles and Kanban methodologies in supply chain operations and relevant digital tools for their application.
  • Practical exercises using popular apps like Trello, Miro, or Jira, aiming to boost understanding and adoption of chosen strategies in supply chain contexts.
  • Applications and case studies, e.g., QR code usage for real-time supply chain tracking and verification.

Organizational info:

  • This course contains 5 lessons.
  • Lessons include written content, case studies and practical exercises.
  • To complete this course, you need 300 minutes (5 x 60 minutes).
  • You can pause the course anytime and return to where you finished whenever you want.
  • You can follow the course as it flows or at your own pace, rearranging the order of the lessons.
  • At the end of the course, you will take a test containing 8 questions. 
  • You can take the test 2 times, if necessary. 
  • You must score min. 85% of the correct answers to receive the official certificate of completion.

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Participants’ Pains

We know that…

With its multiple interconnections and suitable certifications, the global landscape of supply chain operations may appear a tough field to navigate, especially for those new to the industry. Such complexity may give rise to emotions like uncertainty and confusion. Yet, breaking these complicated pieces down into accessible, bite-sized information can help participants feel more comfortable and confident in developing an understanding of the supply chain ecosystem.

In a rapidly digitizing world, new digital tools for automatic process verification are gaining prominence in all business areas, including supply chain management. There is a growing fear of being replaced by machines, which is most often caused by a lack of reliable knowledge. That’s why demystifying automation and providing practical examples can ease these fears, building participants’ confidence and proficiency in leveraging digital resources.

Today almost all companies want to be digitalized, and as digitalization is implemented, buzzwords such as agile and scrum often follow. Young people are much more familiar with these two as answers to managing new technologies than with Kanban or lean management. In addition, young people do not always associate production and procurement with something digitally advanced. However, through practical examples and interactive exercises, these production-related principles can be made more interesting, enabling participants to apply them in a real-world context.

Participants’ Gains

So, we developed this course, in which…

The course equips participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to understand the interconnected nature of supply chain operations, certifications, and their implementation. This comprehensive understanding helps them navigate through the complexity of supply chains, thus allowing them to work in correlation-based operations in their professional lives efficiently. It brings a new level of competence to their roles and increases their chances of succeeding in the industry.

The course demystifies automation and showcases its practical implementation, thereby alleviating fears about being replaced by machines. Participants learn how to use digital tools for process verification and understand that automation and human work can coexist and complement each other. With this newfound knowledge and confidence, they can effectively use these digital tools and augment their role in the workplace rather than fearing replacement by automation.

Despite popular belief, lean management and Kanban are not old-fashioned or uncreative; they are essential tools for efficient supply chain operations. The course digitally makes these principles more exciting and relevant by providing practical examples and engaging exercises. Participants learn how these principles function and how they can be integrated into today’s digital environments. This newfound ability fosters innovation and continuous improvement, significantly enhancing their performance and value in the professional sphere

P2-C2: Document management systems and digitization of workflows

Course 2: Document management systems and digitization of workflows

Course agenda

In this course, you will find:

  • In-depth exploration of digital Document Management Systems (DMS) and their role in minimizing document recovery time and loss and supporting audit processes.
  • Examples of workflow management in digitized companies illustrating seamless task transitions between departments.
  • Coverage of documentation’s role in risk management, particularly maintaining compliance records and tracking risk-mitigating actions.
  • Reference to the path „First and foremost: data,” giving a deeper understanding of EU data protection standards and data security.
  • The optimization of workflow management through the strategic application of DMS platforms.
  • Practical activities using popular DMS platforms (e.g., Trello, Confluence, Asana, Jira, OneDrive, GoogleDrive), focusing on skills like document sharing, setting access permissions, cooperation, and file organization.

Organizational info:

  • This course contains 5 lessons.
  • Lessons include written content and case studies.
  • To complete this course, you need 300 minutes (5 x 60 minutes).
  • You can pause the course anytime and return to where you finished whenever you want.
  • You can follow the course as it flows or at your own pace, rearranging the order of the lessons.
  • At the end of the course, you will take a test containing 8 questions. 
  • You can take the test 2 times, if necessary. 
  • You must score min. 85% of the correct answers to receive the official certificate of completion.

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Participants’ Pains

We know that…

The digitalization of document management changed the approach to data handling in all EU countries. Young people may find it overwhelming to understand and apply the principles of DMS, especially in their first jobs or own start-ups, which can lead to inefficiencies in multiple work processes and structures. On the other hand, increasing stress and even fear of dealing with vast amounts of digital data and maintaining its organization can block the willingness to learn how to use DMS effectively.

Although young people seem perfectly prepared to work remotely and use new technologies, they may experience anxiety, discouragement, and embarrassment when facing big companies increasingly changing their workflows. The dynamics of working in a digitized environment require a fair amount of openness to inconstancy, ongoing transitions, updates, and bugs. However, a permanent sense of being unprepared can result in a lack of motivation to work and develop a career path.

Understanding and complying with data protection rules has become critical with the introduction of digital document management. Today, not only the big ones must handle the careful spreading of information. A one-person business, even a blogger without an official company, must do so. Young people may find these laws, requirements, and the technicalities of data security complex and challenging to understand and incorporate into everyday life, consequently triggering unintended data breaches or inappropriate administration of sensitive information.

Participants’ Gains

So, we developed this course, in which…

Digital Document Management Systems are crucial in today’s data-driven world, no matter which sector of the market we regard. With a comprehensive understanding of DMS principles, participants will be well-equipped to start their journey with managing and organizing digital data effectively. The course program will provide them with knowledge and skills relevant to boosting their efficiency, reducing time spent on document recovery and increasing their confidence in handling vast amounts of digital data.

As understanding digital workflows is a vital asset in today’s digital workplaces, the awareness of how tasks are automated or passed between departments seamlessly makes participants feel more comfortable and prepared to step into the professional world. Moreover, that can ease their transition from theoretical academia to a living, smart workplace.

Knowing data protection standards is a must-have skill in DMS, so participants will gain insights, increasing their readiness to handle business documentation, including sensitive data. Moreover, acquired information should support young people in reducing the risk of unintentional data breaches, ensuring they maintain the highest data integrity and security level.

P2-C1: Smart working and technologies enabling digitization in operational processes

Course 1: Smart working and technologies enabling digitization in operational processes

Course agenda

In this course, you will find:

  • Smart working principles and how they enable flexible work hours, location independence, and increased productivity
  • Real-world examples of remote project teams and digital nomads
  • The reference to the path „Human-machine interaction and smart computing technologies” for deeper technology insight, I.e., AI and IoT.
  • Exercises and simulated scenarios for setting up a virtual workspace.
  • Optimization of smart working through specialized online tools.
  • Practical applications with specific (partially) free tools, e.g., Trello, Asana, Slack, and Google Drive.

Organizational info:

  • This course contains 5 lessons.
  • Lessons include written content, case studies, and practical excercies.
  • To complete this course, you need 300 minutes (5 x 60 minutes).
  • You can pause the course anytime and return to where you finished whenever you want.
  • You can follow the course as it flows or at your own pace, rearranging the order of the lessons.
  • At the end of the course, you will take a test containing 8 questions. 
  • You can take the test 2 times, if necessary. 
  • You must score min. 85% of the correct answers to receive the official certificate of completion.

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Participants’ Pains

We know that…

Smart working is reshaping the traditional work landscape by introducing flexible work hours and location independence. However, young individuals may find it difficult to fully utilize their potential due to a lack of awareness, resulting in poor productivity and an overwhelming feeling. Their capacity to take advantage of flexible work arrangements will help them balance their work and personal lives and develop their careers.

The modern workplace significantly relies on digital tools for efficient workflow. This new reality may appear overly complicated and formalized for young people looking for their first job, causing immense stress and self-doubt. However, learning which digital tools are used for workflow improvement or project management is essential today in various sectors. Young people should know that digital tools with the same purpose (e.g., project management) are usually built on a similar interface skeleton. As a result, familiarity with one tool makes it easier to learn each subsequent one. That will support young people’s self-confidence and professional attitude and improve their chances of distinguishing in a competitive employment market.

The widespread adoption of new technologies in the workplace, including AI and IoT, may also be challenging for young individuals. The above can complicate their onboarding process and slow their daily work activities. By gaining a basic understanding of such technologies, learners will be able to ease their transition into the smart workplace and efficiently adjust to shifting technology environments, so future-proofing their careers

Participants’ Gains

So, we developed this course, in which…

Understanding the core ideas of smart working becomes ever more important as the trend grows. Considering this data, participants will be better equipped to manage changing work environments, successfully adapting to flexible work hours and remote working arrangements. As our approach is both theoretical and practical, trainees will be prepared for the instant implementation of knowledge and skills in various work scenarios.

Knowing how to use digital tools effectively becomes increasingly important as they become a standard in contemporary organizations. Thanks to the course, participants are better prepared to navigate various innovations facilitating better interactions and efficient project management. Thus, it is a foundation for subsequent skill development and improves participants’ preparation for technologically advanced job environments.

Adapting and continuously picking up new abilities is crucial when technological advances occur rapidly. Thus, after completing the course, participants will be better prepared to explore numerous facets of today’s technologies. The willingness for continual learning fosters growth, resilience, and adaptation, allowing people to remain relevant and competitive in their respective industries.

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